How to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease in advance

How to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease in advance

In all European countries, as well as in the United States, there has been a significant increase in morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disease.

It used to be thought that cardiovascular diseases mostly affect the elderly, but lately the age limit has been lowered a lot.

There are myocardial infarcts even in young people aged 25-30 years.

As is known, it is important to supply oxygen to the tissues to keep the body functioning properly.

The circulatory system, i.e. the heart and blood vessels successfully cope with this task.

They carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and remove carbon dioxide from the tissues of the various organs and systems.

The heart mass in men is about 0.45% of the body weight and 0.30% in women.

In one contraction the heart emits about 60 ml of blood, and in a day 7 tons.

This is how much stress the heart is under.

5 ways to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease in advance

5 ways to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease in advance

Heart health can be predicted by calculating risk factors.

These include heredity, constant stress, high blood pressure, excess cholesterol in the blood, excess weight, sedentary lifestyle, smoking, alcohol abuse.

The more of these factors in a person’s life, the greater the threat to the heart.

To avoid problems with the heart it is necessary to get rid of bad habits, in case of aggravated heredity observe a doctor, a cardiologist.

Here are 5 ways to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.


    The heart needs exercise to stay healthy.

    Our fiery motor is a muscular organ, and without exercise, muscles atrophy and are replaced by fatty tissue.

    This cannot be allowed to happen.

    As far back as Aristotle said: “Nothing exhausts and destroys a man so much as prolonged inactivity.”

    During physical activity a person’s blood pressure decreases, blood vessels dilate, the heart works more economically, cholesterol decreases, negative emotions are eliminated, psycho-emotional tension decreases, the ability of platelets to stick together decreases.

    Weight is reduced, metabolic processes are improved.

    Physical activity can replace all medicines, but no medicine can replace physical activity.

    The most optimal is walking.

    You can gradually move to a run-1 km for 5-10 minutes.

    At the same time you need to monitor your heart rate.

    The heart rate should not be more than 60% of the maximum.

    It is useful to swim or ride a bicycle.

    If dyspnea, excessive sweating, swaying, pains in the legs, palpitations occur during physical activity, the load shall be reduced.

    You should walk as much as possible, go to 3-4 floors without using the elevator.

    If you work sedentary, you should do simple exercises in between, which will help to activate the heart activity.

    Cardiovascular disease is constantly increasing in relation to excess body weight, both in men and women.

    How fatty tissue is distributed throughout the body is of great importance, not only the weight (mass) of the body, but also its shape.

    In particular an excess of fat on the abdomen (“male” type of obesity – the body is apple-shaped) is more associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease than an excess of fat on the hips and the lower half of the body (“female” type of obesity – pear shape).

    People with a predominance of belly fat also have more fatty tissue in the internal organs of the abdomen, such as the liver.

    For information on how to prevent lifelong obesity, see the article Stop obesity for life.
  2. Eating Well.

    Being overweight is one of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

    In obesity between 20-39 years of age, every extra 10 kg of body weight increases your blood pressure by 5-20. It is necessary to know your weight and compare it with the ideal weight.

    It is necessary to calculate the body mass index: it is equal to body weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared.

    Body mass index = X/y^2

    A body mass index of 20-24.9 is the norm, 25-29.9 is overweight, 30-39.9 is obesity and above 40 is severe obesity.

    First of all, it is necessary to adjust your diet: The main principle of nutrition is to reduce in food fats of animal origin, namely: butter, cream, cream, cakes, pastries.

    Beef and pork fat (pork, fatty beef), it is necessary to give preference to white meat of chicken, turkey with mandatory removal of the skin.

    It is recommended to consume no more than 2-4 grams of salt per day.

    A lot of salt in the gastronomic products, in the bread of standard baking.

    To reduce body weight it is necessary to increase in the diet of vegetables, fruits.

    It is useful to consume substances rich in potassium, magnesium (apricots, raisins, nuts), calcium (low-fat cottage cheese).

    The use of fish and seafood, replacing animal fats with vegetable fats helps to control cholesterol levels.

    At high blood pressure, it is necessary to limit salt.

    Fluids should be 1-1.5 liters a day.

    Moderation in eating and maintaining a normal body weight – mandatory components of the diet for cardiovascular disease.

    The diet should be balanced.

    The heart is also thirsty.

    It is known that people who drink more than 5 glasses of water a day are better protected: the risk of heart attack is 41% lower in women and 54% lower in men.

    Therefore, it is necessary to drink more water, preferably bottled or well-cleaned from a filter.
Reduce alcohol consumption
  1. Reduce alcohol consumption.

    Alcohol adversely affects almost all organs and systems.

    It has a toxic effect on the heart.

    Alcohol worsens its course, provokes hypertensive crises, vasospasm.

    The risk of strokes among drinkers is 3-4 times higher.

    Besides, nowadays such drinks as sweet low alcohol drinks are very popular among the youth.

    There is a sufficient number of them on sale, they taste pleasant and are inexpensive.

    But these seemingly “harmless” low-alcohol drinks are very insidious, because they contain alcohol and a lot of artificial additives, “thanks to” which it takes longer and harder to be eliminated from the body.

    The use of such drinks in the future leads to the use of hard alcoholic beverages with all the ensuing consequences.

    If you want to learn more about the harmful effects of alcohol, read Harm from alcohol
  2. Stop Smoking.

    Smokers have a higher risk of developing complications of hypertension (heart attacks, strokes) because nicotine damages blood vessels.

    What happens when you smoke?

    Tobacco smoke contains about 4,000 different chemical substances.

    The main danger is represented by such components of tobacco smoke as tar, carbon monoxide, nicotine.

    Tars are carcinogens.

    Nicotine causes vasospasm, leading to poor blood supply to organs and tissues, increases the concentration of free fatty acids, adrenaline, and excites the nervous system.

    Smoking is a significant risk factor for diseases such as atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, and obliterating diseases of the arteries of the lower extremities.

    Recently it was proved that smoking has a negative impact on blood vessels, their permeability to cholesterol increases, it leads to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

    In blood pressure already disturbed the blood supply to vital organs, and smoking aggravates these violations, which leads to the progression of the disease and complications.

    In addition, according to a study conducted in the United States, the incidence of acute myocardial infarction continues to decline three years after the ban on smoking in public places.

    Researchers analyzed hospitalization rates for acute myocardial infarction in Pueblo, Colorado, after the ban on smoking in public places.

    In the first 18 months after the law went into effect, the hospitalization rate dropped 27%; in the following 18 months, it dropped another 19%.

    These results justify the feasibility of anti-tobacco policies, specifically banning smoking in public places, to reduce morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disease.

    According to the WHO, 23% of deaths from coronary heart disease are caused by smoking, shortening the life expectancy of smokers aged 35-69 by an average of 20 years.

    Sudden death among those who smoke a pack of cigarettes or more in a day is 5 times more common than among nonsmokers.

    Smokers not only put their own lives at risk, but also the lives of those around them (secondhand smoke increases the risk of coronary heart disease by 25-30%).

    After only 6 weeks of a healthy lifestyle, there will be a striking change in health, and among those who quit smoking, the risk of coronary heart disease will be significantly reduced and after 5 years will be the same as among those who have never smoked.

    If you want to quit smoking forever, you need to read Quit Smoking Forever.
  3. Reduce Stress.

    It has been established: a heart attack is more common with people in a depressed mental state

    Keep in mind: if you are depressed, you risk your heart even more than a smoker.

    A diary is one of the cures for stress.

    Regular diary entries of your strongest emotions, innermost thoughts and feelings help you overcome depression.

    According to a new study, women who force themselves to be silent during family disagreements are more likely to die early.

    They are also more likely to be depressed by irritability syndrome.

    Medics from Gaithersburg, Maryland, observed 3,682 men and women.

    For ten years, scientists recorded their heart disease and deaths from any cause.

    It turned out that women who forced themselves to be silent during family quarrels died four times more often than those who were not afraid to express their feelings.

    In men, the most frequent causes of stress are the need for self-affirmation, the desire to be on top of the situation, the obligation to provide for the family, as well as the fear of impotence and the creeping old age.

    Studies show that men cope with brief stressful situations, but tend to be defenseless in the face of prolonged and regularly recurring stressful situations.

    They rarely seek help from specialists, preferring purely male ways of relaxation: cigarettes, bottles, girls, stimulants or sedatives.

    There is a fairly common perception of alcohol as a means of coping with stress.

    But alcohol can only ease the experience of stress, while reducing a person’s ability to resist.

    Further, alcohol itself becomes a stressor and often causes severe stress as a result of a loss of self-control.

    It is no coincidence that an ancient scholar noted, “In the bottle dissatisfaction seeks solace, cowardice seeks courage, and timidity seeks self-confidence.

    Often the main object of man’s constant dissatisfaction is also himself.

    To love the world, one must begin with oneself.

    Everyone needs positive emotions, that’s why good books, good movies, communication with friends, active and joyful intimate life with a beloved and loving person have such a powerful preventive effect.

    Sleep is the best cure for heart attacks in women.

    If you do not get enough sleep, the heart in adulthood threatens angina, which can end in a heart attack.

    A happy family life also protects against heart attack.

    Heart disease in satisfied with family life, if they develop, it is much less frequent and takes place in a mild form.

    In addition, happy spouses have lower blood cholesterol levels and are better protected from stress.
 Learn how to support cardiovascular health

Learn how to support cardiovascular health

The French Paradox.

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