Harm from alcohol

Harm from alcohol

Alcohol slows down vital functions, resulting in incoherent speech, poor movement coordination, impaired perception, and an inability to react quickly.

The effects of this substance on the mind are best described as follows: it reduces one’s ability to think rationally and distorts one’s ability to judge.

Although alcohol belongs to the category of depressants (it may belong to different categories in different countries), the effect it has is determined by the amount taken.

Most people drink to get a stimulating effect, for example, they drink a beer or a glass of wine to “relax.”

But if a person takes in more than the amount the body can handle, he experiences the effects of alcohol as a depressant.

He feels “dumb” or loses coordination and control.

Excessive alcohol causes even more serious depressive effects (inability to feel pain, poisoning in which the body expels the poison by vomiting, and finally unconsciousness or, even worse, coma or death from severe intoxication).

These reactions depend on how much was taken and for how long.

There are different types of alcohol.

Ethyl alcohol (ethanol), the only alcohol used in drinks, is made through the fermentation of wheat and fruit.

Fermentation is a chemical process in which yeast acts on certain ingredients in foods to create alcohol.

Alcohol content

Alcohol content

Beverages obtained by fermentation, such as beer and wine, contain from 2% to 20% alcohol.

Beverages produced by distillation contain 40% to 50% alcohol and more. Here is the usual alcohol content for different beverages:

  1. Beer – 2-6% alcohol.
  2. Cider – 4-8% alcohol
  3. Wine – 8-20% alcohol
  4. Tequila – 40% alcohol
  5. Rum – 40% alcohol or more
  6. Brandy – 40% alcohol or more
  7. Gin – 40-47% alcohol
  8. Whiskey – 40-50% alcohol
  9. Vodka – 40-50% alcohol
  10. 10Liqueurs – 15-60% alcohol
What does alcohol do to the body?

What does alcohol do to the body?

Alcohol contains the following poisonous impurities: esters, aldehydes, syrups, free acids.

Alcohol takes away water from all the cells of the body with which it comes into contact.

Alcohol destroys the central nervous system. It changes the function of nerve cells by penetrating them.

One in two alcoholics has a damaged cardiovascular system.

Alcohol affects the pancreas, affects the liver, stomach, esophagus.

The human brain is most severely affected by alcohol.

Alcohol glues together red blood cells, which leads to blood clots.

People who drink alcohol wear out their bodies several times faster than a healthy person who doesn’t drink.

Alcoholic drinks influence absolutely all systems and organs without exception, weaken the immune system, and lead to frequent illnesses.

The harmful effect of alcohol impacts all systems of the human body (nervous, circulatory, digestive).

The detrimental role of alcoholism in the development of acute and chronic diseases is now proven.

Why is alcohol bad for health?

Why is alcohol bad for health?

Alcohol is harmful first because it causes multiple diseases of different organs of the body.

Read below for some of the diseases that alcohol can cause

  1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system are the leading cause of death in the population.

    Alcohol affects the heart muscle, leading to serious illness and death.

    X-ray examination reveals an increase in heart volume, which does not develop in all patients with chronic alcoholism, but can occur in patients with a relatively short alcoholic history.

    Even healthy people may show heart rhythm abnormalities after a large dose of alcohol, but they gradually disappear spontaneously.
  2. Diseases of the External Respiratory System.

    Breathing is synonymous with life.

    It is the inhalation and exhalation that alternate regularly.

    In patients suffering from the 1st stage of chronic alcoholism, some stimulation of external respiratory function is noted: the minute volume of breathing increases, breathing becomes more frequent.

    As the disease progresses, breathing worsens, various diseases may occur (chronic bronchitis, tracheobronchial, pulmonary emphysema, tuberculosis).
  3. Gastrointestinal pathology.

    Patients with chronic alcoholism often complain about disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, as the mucosa of the stomach is the first to perceive the poisonous effects of alcohol.

    On examination, we find them to have gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers.

    With the development of alcoholism, the function of salivary glands is disturbed. Other pathological changes develop.
  4. Liver disease occupies a special position among the organs of the digestive system.

    It is the main “chemical laboratory” of the body, which performs an antitoxin function, takes part in almost many metabolism: protein, fat, carbohydrate, water.

    Under the influence of alcohol, liver functions are disturbed, which can lead to cirrhosis (degeneration) of the liver.

    Children of alcoholics, especially if the mother consumed alcohol during conception and pregnancy, may be born sick, weak, and have several physical and mental disabilities.

    The curious thing is that no alcoholic will ever admit to being an alcoholic; for the rest of his life, he will indoctrinate himself and others that he can give up drinking.

    Or there is the deep misconception that all creative people liked to drink and yet succeeded.

    I can make plenty of tales and excuses up, but these arguments are simple self-deception.
  5. White fever is the most severe form of alcohol intoxication. It causes 1-2% of deaths, even with intensive medication, and without treatment the death rate can be as high as 20%.

    Hallucinations, confusion and disorientation characterize white fever, with trembling, agitation, rapid pulse, high blood pressure and fever.

    Many people with alcohol dependence require medical attention during the detoxification period (“dry period”).

    This period can last from one to two days to a week.
  6. Life span.

    Systematic alcohol consumption leads to premature old age, disability; the life expectancy of binge drinkers is 15-20 years shorter than the statistical average.

    A person suffering from alcoholism deceives both himself and others, and his life is a constant game with fate.

    There is no need to consume alcoholic beverages when visiting.

    You can be in a friendly atmosphere and have a cup of tea.

    Having comprehended this information, each of us can determine which life path to choose for himself.

    I also personally recommend it for those who consume a lot of alcohol.

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What are 5 facts about alcohol?

What are 5 facts about alcohol?

  1. FACT 1.


    A team of Danish scientists conducted an investigation with 6,120 women between the ages of 21-45.

    All participants were in a regular relationship with their partner and were actively trying to get pregnant. None of the participants had received treatment for infertility.

    Each of the participants consumed alcohol: beer, red or white wine, dessert wine, or other alcoholic beverages.

    The study also took into account the number of sexual acts and whether each partner had bad habits (alcohol consumption, smoking, etc.).

    Overall, 4,210 participants (69%) were able to become pregnant during the study.

    At the end of the study, scientists showed that of women who consumed alcohol (14 or more drinks per week), only 37 managed to get pregnant.

    Of those participants who abstained from alcohol – 1381 women were able to get pregnant.

    Researchers have calculated that drinking that much alcohol reduces the chances of getting pregnant by 18%.
  2. FACT 2.


    Alcohol is a drug, like any drug it is addictive.

    Alcoholism is a serious chronic disease, most often difficult to cure.

    For the alcoholic, the state of intoxication is the best psychological state.

    It is the craving to be in such a state that keeps a person from quitting drinking.
  3. FACT 3.


    In a family where parents have an alcohol addiction, 89% of children and adolescents are also addicted to alcohol

    A very small percentage of childhood alcoholism where both parents in the family do not take alcohol at all.
  4. FACT 4.


    Every woman knows this, but on the streets we still meet girls or women who, being in such a situation, do not refuse themselves a glass of wine.

    But even this glass can harm the baby.

    However, if the expectant mother systematically takes alcohol during pregnancy, the baby develops fetal alcohol syndrome (fetal alcohol syndrome).

    Such children typically have malformations of the external organs, the arms and legs are small, and the head is disproportionate compared to the body.

    Such children grow and develop slowly compared to other children.
  5. FACT 5.

    Alcohol shortens life span

    Continuous alcohol consumption leads to premature aging

    Life expectancy for people prone to drinking is 15-20 years shorter than the statistical average.

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