Mental wellbeing

 Mental wellbeing

What is mental wellbeing, and why is it important to nurture it?

Usually, psychological wellbeing is understood as a person’s internal state of mind.

The basic components of a person’s psychological well-being include:

  1. Positive relationships with other people.

    Friendly relationships with people.

    The ability to empathize.

    An understanding of the need to make concessions in relationships.
  2. Assumption of self.

    This means a positive assessment of oneself and one’s life.
  3. Autonomy, autonomy.

    It means independence, the ability to resist social pressure.

    To think and act independently, to be independent.

    To evaluate oneself based on one’s own beliefs.
  4. Competence.

    To have a sense of mastery and competence.
  5. Goals in life.

    Have goals in life and feelings of direction.

    Feelings of meaningfulness in the past, present, and future.

    Have reasons and reasons to live.
  6. Personal growth.

    Feelings of realizing one’s potential, always open to new experiences.

    Observing the increasing improvement of oneself and one’s behavior.

The concept of “psychological well-being” is set by two terms: “psychological” and “well-being”.

Well-being is the human condition or aim situation in which a person has everything that favorably characterizes his life in the eyes of others, his loved ones, and himself.

“Well-being” is “a person’s receipt of goods.”

The benefits a person has received can include a variety of things and circumstances, benefits of the widest range: his and his loved ones’ health, property wealth, good relationships with significant others, and even pleasant weather in the place where he lives.

Social well-being speaks to receiving a circle of social benefits and is usually associated with having friends and a loved one, a good job, opportunities for hobbies, health, education, and an overall standard of living at least at a general level.

It is also very important to maintain mental well-being.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that if you have a poor psychological state.

Then there is depression and anxiety.

Loss of productivity because of depression and anxiety costs the global economy $1 trillion a year.

And the phenomenon of people going to work while suffering from mental health problems is becoming more and more prevalent in companies.

Which, leads to decreased productivity.

If you want to improve the well-being of your life.

Coaching can help you improve your quality of life and well-being.

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How can I improve my mental wellbeing

How can I improve my mental wellbeing

It is important that you know how to recognize the signs of emotional distress and poor mental well-being.

Statistics show that every year, one in five needs the help of a professional psychologist or psychotherapist.

And bad moods or depression “cover” almost everyone.

Despite the emerging mental health problems: emotional breakdowns, aggression, depressive behavior – many of us do not try to improve our situation.

Some take pills, some start “self-medicating” with alcohol.

A neuropsychologist and lecturer from Harvard Medical School gives advice on how you can improve your condition.

  1. Communicate

    A man is a social creature and cannot live in isolation.

    Therefore, create a positive personal connection: any person who will listen to you and try to understand.

    Sometimes we just need to speak out. Don’t accumulate and carry your problems for yourself.
  2. Contain physical activity.

    Remember the old saying, “In a healthy body, a healthy spirit.” Do things you enjoy, like yoga, tennis, fishing, dancing, etc.

    The more physical activity you do, the less likely you are to have emotional breakdowns.
  3. Manage your stress.

    Think back to what you enjoy most: the smell of coffee, a walk in the woods, photography, a favorite performer?

    As soon as depression hits you, put aside all urgent matters and do something you enjoy.
  4. Be generous to others

    It turns out that when we give something away;

    We trigger a psychological mechanism of self-respect, strengthening our emotional and psychological health.

    Give genuinely, without expecting gratitude.

    It will come for sure, perhaps not immediately.
  5. Strengthen Your Mental Health.

    Get a full 8 hours of sleep.

    Take walks in nature, especially in sunny weather.

    Find beauty in the world around you.

    Just lift your head and look around.

    Get a pet.

    By taking care of it, you will love it, and it will reciprocate.

    Find minor pleasures every day: a funny story, a good movie, a good meal, a conversation with your loved one.

If you want to improve your mental state quickly and effectively, I recommend well-being coaching.

Statistically, 8 out of 10 people who choose to coach, counsel, and support succeed in what they want.

Click here.

5 areas of well-being

5 areas of well-being

There are actually a lot over 5 areas of well-being.

Well, if you look at WHO research, people identify 5 main areas.

  1. Positive relationships with people.
  2. Positive self-actualization.
  3. Positive emotions from life.
  4. Independence, free opinions.
  5. Positive emotions in their business.
Wellbeing tips

Wellbeing tips

Avoid activity based on negativity

Psychotherapist Ekaterina Sigitova gives a list of simple tips

Which does not require much effort and will improve your well-being and mental well-being and mental health.

You don’t have to do everything – you can choose what works for you personally.

  1. Choose what makes you happier.

    The more happy experiences you have in your life, the better your overall condition will be.

    Therefore, it is important that your weekly routine has enough reasons to feel happy – they are like a gold reserve, increasing your resistance to stress and life’s twists and turns.

    It’s significant to remember to make those little choices every day – in family, work, hobbies and everything else.
  2. Listen to the signals of the body and psyche

    The human body is a unique system that repairs and cleanses itself.

    It has many “sensors” that register unwanted and harmful influences, and many ways to sound the alarm that something needs to be changed.

    The only pity is that we rarely hear these signals – we usually have more significant goals and tasks.

    So this point is about mindfulness and intuition.

    The body is clever, it tries many, many times a day to protect us and save us something. Let us listen to it, at least sometimes.
  3. Be alone.

    No, this recommendation is not just for introverts.

    Proved that most people feel better after 20-30 minutes alone.

    This is especially true for those whose life is quite hectic because of the specifics of work, family composition, or other external factors.

    It is very important to give yourself the opportunity to be quiet for a while and be alone, not feeling abandoned, but just resting.
  4. Be with people.

    “When you feel bad, you need to go to people, because people are good at pulling away.”

    There is only part of the truth in this apt statement.

    You can and should go to people not only when you feel bad – but also when you feel good, and when you don’t, and when you don’t.

    To be with someone, to experience something together, is a uniquely healing practice.

    People don’t have to be very close (although that can be significant to some people).

    It’s enough that they, too, will step up and get in touch with you.
  5. Hug and touch others.

    Tactile contact is one of our first ways to communicate with the world and our “secret weapon.”

    Studies suggest starting and receiving 5 to 10 touches and hugs a day to feel good.

    Of course, these rules don’t work for everyone, but only for those who are comfortable with touch.

    Touching and hugging reduces anxiety and stress through stimulating oxytocin production, improves heart function, helps send and receive emotional signals, evens out the climate in relationships, and more.
  6. Devote time to nature.

    Much give this recommendation, it’s already boring to everyone, so I want to clarify it a bit and highlight it from a new angle.

    It is proven that the observation of moving natural objects (tree crowns in the wind, flowing water, clouds, etc.) brings a person into a shallow trance, which is useful for all the supporting systems of the body, including the mental ones.

    In addition, the positive effects of fiddling with the earth are known, so people who have houseplants or a garden are less likely to be stressed.

    Clean air, new impressions and rest for the eyes are also no less useful “acquisitions” from trips to nature, for which, in fact, nothing special needs to be done.
  7. Avoid activity based on negativity.

    It turns out that people who mock and laugh at others (there is a term for this in English: snark) do not feel better afterwards.

    And globally, strange as it may seem, they often judge themselves to be miserable.

    I think there is a causal link here: the need for sarcasm, cruelty, and humiliation of others typically arises from some dysfunctional personal base.

    Maybe it’s a difficult situation or a difficult period in life, maybe it’s a character device, maybe something else – but sarcasm doesn’t seem to bring relief.

    So if you find yourself in need of it, it makes sense not to go along with it.
  8. Practice gratitude.

    Gratitude is a feeling like a healing elixir.

    When we notice the good things that are happening around us, life blossoms in bright colors.

    Studies show that regular reflection and expression of gratitude (to anyone, even your cat or the pleasant weather) improves your well-being and mood.

    If you can’t immediately think of reasons to be thankful, search the Internet for funny lists on the subject.

    There are puppies in these lists, for example.
  9. Reduce the amount of stimulants.

    Our generation is the most stimulation-dependent and anesthetized compared to all previous generations.

    The pace of life for most of us is such that we simply cannot do without such “crutches” as alcohol, coffee, energy and high-calorie foods.

    In fact, it is possible and often necessary to do without, because the effect of almost these stimulants is to shock the body, and in the long run it is harmful.

    Try to change the moments in which you habitually spur yourself on with something.

    What if your doctor had forbidden it? Surely you could do it on your own.

    So maybe you shouldn’t wait for the doctor?

    Because many people wait.

    What I recommend
  10. Reduce the amount of information.

    Modern man every day is dealing with so much new information that his ancestor did not have time to digest in a lifetime.

    Our brain is constantly “overeating,” so we have to give it a break.

    For example, do not use processes that increase the amount of information (newsfeed, Facebook, etc.), as a means of relaxation and rest.

    And also arrange yourself an “information detox” in nature or just in solitude.
  11. Exercise.

    When you exercise, your body not only does a lot of good things on a physical level, but also produces substances that affect well-being and mood.

    Endorphins, for example, are a great thing.

    Tap into this natural source of pleasure at least occasionally.

    If life does not allow you to exercise seriously, then dance to the music for two to three tracks a day, it’s much better than a complete lack of physical activity.
  12. Walk.

    Half of the recommendations will be about struggling with the peculiarities of modern man’s life.

    This point is no exception: most of us are gradually settling more and more indoors, whether at work or at home.

    This is due to the quickening pace of life and the penetration of modern technology and the Internet.

    Walking, in addition to the fresh air (relative to that indoors), provides a necessary workout for the body, rest for tired eyes and time for thoughts or unhurried conversations.

    A 30-40 minute walk each day is considered optimal.
Wellbeing tips

Also, if you want to improve your mental and financial well-being.

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