5 ways to avoid overheating in the sun

5 ways to avoid overheating in the sun

The greatest danger in hot weather is heat stroke.

You can overheat not only on the street, but also while staying in a stuffy room or in a car left in the sun.

In order to avoid overheating and not to spoil your vacation, it is enough to follow the simple recommendations of experts.

Doctors also ask to be especially attentive to children and the elderly in the heat, because they do not always notice the deterioration in time and ask for help.

Symptoms of overheating that are important to remember:

  1. Muscle cramps;
  2. Increased sweating;
  3. Cold, clammy skin;
  4. Dizziness or weakness;
  5. a rapid pulse;
  6. Nausea and vomiting.

In heat stroke, the skin becomes dry and hot, and symptoms of overheating are joined by rapid breathing, disturbance or complete absence of sleep, and, in severe cases, hallucinations and fainting.

The victim of heat stroke should be placed in the shade in the fresh air, apply cold compresses, pour cool water or help to take a bath, also need to call a doctor.

Choosing the Right Clothes

1. Choosing the Right Clothes

In hot outdoor weather, it is best to wear loose-fitting clothes, preferring, if possible, long and closed clothes made of natural fabrics.

Cotton and linen, due to their breathable structure, protect against heat stroke, while synthetic fabrics retain heat and increase the risk of overheating.

Do not forget the sun protective sunglasses and hats, preferably with wide brim.

You can take an umbrella from the sun – an elegant accessory will save your skin from direct sunlight and complement the summer look.

If there is no air conditioning at home, it makes sense to wear a minimum of clothing, so that in a closed room it was not stuffy.

organize shade and coolness in the apartment.

2. Organize shade and coolness in the apartment.

During the day, try draping and covering windows on the sunny side with reflective tape to keep cool.

It is best to choose curtains in light shades – dark fabrics increase the stuffiness of the room.

If you open the windows on the shady side and leave the interior doors open, the air can circulate freely through the apartment.

Mary Morrell, professor of sleep and respiratory physiology at Imperial College London, warns that heat causes insomnia.

She recommends laying down thin cotton sheets, which absorb sweat well and cool the body.

In addition, Professor Morrell advises keeping the air conditioner or fan on, and taking a cool or warm shower before going to bed instead of a cold one.

Ice-cold water gives instant relief, but it causes the pores to close and slows sweating in general.

Drinking Water in Time

3. Drinking Water in Time

In the heat, it is important not to become dehydrated.

Try to drink as soon as you feel thirsty.

Simple or mineral water is best, but if you don’t like the taste of it, try making homemade lemonades, herbal infusions or vegetable juices.

From coffee and alcohol, including low alcohol drinks, it is better to give up, as they eliminate fluid from the body.

It is also worth excluding sweet soda – it does not quench thirst, and it contains a lot of sugar and calories.

Eat light foods

4. Eat light foods

You need to be careful with salty foods and meat.

Salt provokes thirst, so you have to drink more, which increases the load on the kidneys.

Meat is a heavy food which requires a lot of energy to digest.

As a result, body temperature rises, and this can contribute to overheating.

It is best to eat fruits and vegetables.

Cucumbers, watermelons, melons, and tomatoes are useful – they contain a lot of liquid, so such food will help keep moisture in the body.

You can make cold soups: piroshki, beetroot, gazpacho.

Reduce physical activity

5. Reduce physical activity

In hot weather, it is worth minimizing not only sports, but also housework.

In addition to heat stroke, intense physical activity combined with high temperatures can lead to heart failure.

Do not refuse walks in parks.

If possible, try to stay in the shade and do not go out at the hottest time – from 11 am to 3 pm.

The most pleasant and useful activity in this weather is swimming.

If there is no body of water nearby, take a shower and do cool foot baths.

In addition, you can wet your clothes, baseball cap, neckerchief, or wipe your body with a damp towel.

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