The strongest evidence for the ability of vitamin D to fight COVID-19

The strongest evidence for the ability of vitamin D to fight COVID-19

Israel’s scientists say they have gathered the most convincing evidence to date that increased vitamin D levels can help COVID-19 patients reduce the risk of serious illness or death.

Researchers from Bar-Ilan University and Galilee Medical Center say:

Vitamin D deficiency significantly increases danger levels, they conclude in a new peer-reviewed study published in the journal PLOS One.

The study is based on studies conducted during the first two waves of the virus in Israel, before vaccines became widely available.

Doctors stressed that vitamin supplements were not a substitute for vaccines, but rather a way to keep immunity at a low level.

A covid study 19

A New Israeli Study

By taking supplements before infection, though, the researchers in the new Israeli study found that patients could avoid the worst effects of the disease.

“We found it remarkable, and striking, to see the difference in the chances of becoming a severe patient when you are lacking in vitamin D compared to when you’re not.”

Said Dr. Amiel Dror, a Galilee Medical Center physician and Bar.

Ilan researcher who was part of the team behind the study.

He noted that his study was done before Omicron, but said that coronavirus does not change fundamentally enough between variants

To negate the effectiveness of vitamin D.

“What we are seeing when vitamin D helps people with COVID-19 infections is the result of its effectiveness in strengthening the immune system.

To fight viral pathogens that attack the respiratory system.”

— he told The Times of Israel newspaper.

“This is equally relevant for Omicron as it was for previous variants.”

Health authorities in Israel and several other countries have recommended vitamin D supplements in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

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D3 before infection and how it relates to Covid-19

In June, researchers published preliminary data showing that 26% of patients with coronavirus died.

If they had a vitamin D deficiency shortly before hospitalization, compared with 3% who had normal vitamin D levels.

They also determined that hospitalized patients with vitamin D3 deficiency

Were, on average, 14 times more likely to be in a severe or critical condition than others.

They found that the strong correlation between adequate vitamin D levels and the ability to fight the coronavirus still holds.

But the level of increased danger indicated in their preliminary findings remained almost the same.

“We checked a range of timeframes, and found that wherever you look over the two years before infection, the correlation between vitamin D and disease severity is extremely strong,”

Dror said.

“Because this study gets such a good picture of patients’ vitamin D levels, by looking at a wide timeframe instead of just the time around hospitalization.

It offers much stronger support than anything seen so far emphasizing the importance of boosting vitamin D levels during the pandemic,”

he added.

People should learn from this that studies pointing to the importance of taking vitamin D are very reliable, and aren’t based on skewed data”

he said.

And it underscores the value that everyone should take vitamin D3 supplements during a pandemic.

Which, consumed in reasonable amounts according to official recommendations, has no drawbacks.

Start taking vitamin D3 now to reduce your future exposure to COVID-19

Life Extension Vitamin D3

Life Extension Vitamin D3

LE?s best-selling Vitamin D3 is a potent supplement that supports brain, bone, arterial and immune health and already-healthy blood pressure levels.. Vitamin D3:

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