How to recognize alcohol addiction

 How to recognize alcohol addiction

Alcohol addiction in its early stages is not always easy to recognize.

Alcoholic beverages are readily available and part of many people’s daily lives.

Therefore, neither the person himself, nor his loved ones may not notice the moment when occasional alcohol consumption in the company of friends develops into a serious problem.

Experts point out the following warning signs:

  1. An increase in the amount of alcohol consumed or the frequency of episodes;
  2. High tolerance to alcohol, lack of hangover symptoms;
  3. Abuse of alcohol at inappropriate times and places (e.g., in the morning or at work);
  4. The individual’s desire to be at events where alcohol is present and avoiding situations where it is not;
  5. Changing friendship contacts – the person may have new buddies with whom they drink;
  6. Reduction of contacts with relatives;
  7. A desire to hide the fact of alcohol use;
  8. Wilting, depressed mood.

It is important to understand that if a person abuses alcoholic beverages, over time, the negative effects of this habit accumulate and intensify.

Because of this occurs:

  1. Persistent mood changes, including anxiety and irritability;
  2. Insomnia and other sleep problems;
  3. A decrease in the body’s resistance;
  4. Disorders of sexual function;
  5. Appetite disorders, weight changes;
  6. Problems with memory and concentration;
  7. Brittle bones;
  8. Increased risk of cardiovascular disease (arrhythmia, high blood pressure, stroke);
  9. Increased risk of liver disease (cirrhosis, cancer, fatty disease, fibrosis, alcoholic hepatitis);
  10. Increased risk of cancer.
How alcohol dependence develops

How alcohol dependence develops

Alcohol addiction is formed due to a whole complex of reasons.

Genetics has a certain influence on this – studies have shown.

That the percentage of influence of genetics ranges from 45% to 65%.

Experts do emphasize in particular that external factors, such as:

  1. The environment in which the person was raised and the behavior of his family members;
  2. Socioeconomic status;
  3. The presence or absence of psychological trauma in childhood;
  4. The level of stress to which the person is exposed and his or her psychological state in general;
  5. Environment and habits.

Alcohol dependence tends to form under a combination of factors.

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