How sleeping less than 6 hours affects your weight, mood, and intelligence

How sleeping less than 6 hours affects your weight, mood, and intelligence

An expert on sleep told us about the dangers of regular lack of sleep.

Spoiler – lack of sleep has far more serious consequences than it may seem at first glance.

Lately, problems with sleep are becoming more and more urgent.

And it is not only a banal desire to get as much time as possible, sacrificing sleep.

According to the non-profit organization Sleep Foundation, the stress caused by the Covid-19 pandemic has led to the fact that many people began to sleep much less or even suffer from insomnia.

This phenomenon has even been given its own name, “coronasomnia”.

Meanwhile, lack of sleep leads to serious negative consequences for the whole body.

According to the sleep expert, Dr. Rebecca Robbins, it is enough to sleep less than one hour daily to disrupt circadian rhythms.

Commentary by Dr. Robbins

Commentary by Dr. Robbins

And that, in turn, increases the risk of mental disorders (such as depression and BAR), obesity and even Alzheimer’s disease.

In addition, there are studies that confirm that lack of sleep can lead to heart problems and lowered immunity.

We’ve found that during the day, the brain produces toxins, the accumulation of which can lead to Alzheimer’s disease or dementia,” Dr. Robbins tells The Telegraph.

When we sleep, not only does the brain stop producing these toxins, but it also produces cerebral fluid, which essentially flushes the brain and removes accumulated toxins.

The expert also emphasizes that those who are sleep-deprived have,

The risk of colds and flu is twice as high as for those who sleep the allotted 7-10 hours a night.

Also, not getting enough sleep can affect how well we tolerate the Covid-19 vaccine.

We see increased antibody production in vaccinated people to fight the viral pathogen, and it is accelerated if you combine the vaccine with a healthy amount of sleep, Dr. Robbins says.

To normalize sleep.

Robbins suggests getting into a few healthy habits.

First, go to bed at the same time every day.

Second, turn off all gadgets at least half an hour before bed.

You can devote this time to reading, or you can learn breathing practices aimed at relaxation.

If you wake up at night, the doctor recommends not lying in bed, but getting up

”Get out of bed, sit in an armchair or on the floor and do meditation.“

This, the expert says, will help you fall asleep much faster than if you stay in bed.

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