9 foods that strengthen the immune system

9 foods that strengthen the immune system

Lack of micronutrients affects the body’s defense mechanisms and makes it more vulnerable to viruses and bacteria.

There is no cure-all, but there are a number of foods that can help balance your diet and strengthen your immune system.

The immune system is a complex system. Be skeptical if any remedy is said to strengthen the immune system: there is a high probability that it is an advertisement or a hoax.

Even scientists do not fully understand the laws by which it works.

But there are some really effective practices to normalize the immune system: not smoking, physical activity, less alcohol, more sleep.

It sounds endlessly boring, but it works.

As for nutrition, here, the WHO recommends at least 500 grams of fruits and vegetables every day.

There are also a number of foods that are especially good for maintaining immunity. Pink tells us about nine of them.


1. Kefir.

Familiar to us since childhood and a superfood in the West, the American Dietetic Association has included kefir in its list of healthy foods.

Modern research confirms that kefir probiotics, in addition to its ability to improve digestion, has a positive effect on the immune system.

Choose kefir from whole milk, with maximum fat content, so it contains more vitamins, in particular vitamin D, which deficiency is associated with a weakened immune system.

2. Beans.

A simple and affordable source of iron, an important element that is involved in blood formation and – through an enzyme system – increases immunity.

The main problem is that iron is hard to digest; for this, scientists recommend consuming iron-containing foods along with vitamin C.


3. Broccoli.

Contains vitamin C, a supply of B6 and magnesium. One serving of broccoli has almost a daily allowance of vitamin A, which is significant for immunity.

The connection between vitamin C and the body’s ability to fight off colds was traced back to the 1970s.

Then it was discovered that our body can not accumulate vitamin C, so it should be consumed daily.

This is especially significant for women who use oral contraceptives, which increase the need for vitamin C.

Heat processing and prolonged storage cause the vitamin in foods to break down, but this is not the case with frozen broccoli and makes it one of the most significant foods in the winter.

4. Beef liver.

Rich in zinc, selenium, and iron.

Zinc is a rock star among the nutrients responsible for immunity.

The most zinc is found in oysters, but they are not common on our menu.

Zinc helps the body build and activate T lymphocytes, which are responsible for recognizing and destroying the body’s “enemies.”

Zinc is also recommended as a supplement

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Life Extension Zinc – 50 mg (90 Vegetarian Capsules)

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5. Fresh ginger.

Ginger contains gingerol, an active ingredient that reduces the risk of infections.

It has been proven that gingerol can stop the growth of some bacteria and effectively fights some of the viruses that cause colds.

Separately, the effectiveness of ginger in fighting infections that develop in the mouth and throat is noted.


6. Seeds

Raw seeds – sunflower, pumpkin, flax, sesame, and others – are a sure source of vitamin B6, magnesium and iron.

Regular consumption of seeds is associated with a reduction in inflammation, including those that bring discomfort to the skin.

7. Green Tea

Traditionally, teas are thought of as a source of antioxidants. Equally important, green tea contains the amino acid L-theanine, which has been associated with the work of T-lymphocytes (the very fighters against foreign elements in the body).

8. Chicken broth

Yes, yes, the one that is traditionally offered for colds. And for good reason: chicken and turkey meat are rich in vitamin B6, which is involved in the formation of red blood cells, needed to carry oxygen from the lungs to all organs.

And the broth from the bones contains gelatin and chondroitin, they help soothe the stomach and repair tissues.

9. Garlic

Another familiar friend of the immune system since kindergarten.

The allicin in it fights bacteria and has a positive effect on white blood cell production.

Garlic is also an antiseptic proven by centuries of folk medicine (and clinical research).

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